Kosovo Lacks Capacities to Fight Disinformation

Kosovo lacks sufficient capacity to combat disinformation and false narratives, with public officials also often falling for these narratives, experts claim. Experts call on the Kosovo government to increase the capacities to counter false anti-Western narratives that often not only influence the country but also target it, as even public officials are sometimes affected. In…

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Albin Kurti bisedë telefonike me Olaf Scholz, i kërkon mbështetjen e Gjermanisë për anëtarësim e Kosovës në KiE

Kryeministri i Kosovës, Albin Kurti, ka biseduar me kancelarin gjerman Olaf Scholz të cilit i ka thënë se shpreson që Gjermania do ta mbështesë kandidaturën e shtetit të tij në Këshillin e Evropës. Shumica e deputetëve të Asamblesë Parlamentare të Këshillit të Evropës e mbështetën më 16 prill raportin që rekomandon anëtarësimin e Kosovës në…

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University of Prishtina Professor Suspended for Sexual Harassment

University of Prishtina rector,  Qerim Qerimi, decided to suspend the mathematics professor Xhevat Krasniqi until the prosecution finalises its investigation on sexual harassment claims, based on a recommendation by the university’s Council of Ethics which comes after several protests from students and civil society activists.  “Based on the decision of the Council of Ethics and…

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‘Freedom House’ Report Highlights BIRN’s Investigation on Alleged Gender-Based Discrimination at Public Broadcaster

An annual report on democracy in Central and Eastern Europe and Eurasia by Freedom House, mentioned the BIRN’s investigation “RTK’s Board Blocks High-Scoring Women from Top Jobs” published in September 2023, by journalists Jeta Xharra and Mediana Halili. The investigation dealt with gender discrimination in the processes of recruitment for high positions in Kosovo’s public…

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