Ish-lojtari i Kombëtares shqiptare i futet politikës, kandidon për deputet! Ja partia ku ai bën pjesë

Ish-kapiteni i Kombëtares Shqiptare, Mërgim Mavraj, do të jetë kandidat për deputet në zgjedhjet e 9 shkurtit në Kosovë. Mësohet se Mavraj do të jetë kandidat me partinë “Lista për familje” dhe do të jetë pjesë e listës zgjedhore. Lajmin e konfirmuar edhe deputeti i parlamentit të Kosovës, Eman Rrahmani, raportojnë mediat në Prishtinë. “Po…

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BIRN’s ‘Reporting House’ Contributor Awarded for Preserving Jashari Family Children’s Notebook

Donika Shahini-Lami, a contributor to BIRN’s ‘Reporting House’ in Prishtina, has been recognized as the ‘Most Supportive Public Figure of the Year’ by the NGO TOKA for safeguarding a notebook belonging to the children of the Jashari family, killed in a massacre by Serbia’s forces in March 1998. Kosovo-based NGO TOKA recognized individuals, institutions, and…

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Kosovo Takes Careful Steps Towards Remembrance of Wartime Rape

Forced to flee their homes by shelling, S.N., her two young daughters, mother-in-law and sister-in-law had taken refuge in Dragaqine/Dragacin, south-central Suhreke/Suva Reka municipality. Two days later, Serb soldiers surrounded the village. Now 52-years-old, S.N. has never before spoken of what followed, though rumours and reports surfaced within weeks. “Every night Serbian soldiers dragged three…

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