Kosovo Remembers Village Massacres as PM Urges More War Crime Probes

Kurti and members of his cabinet joined hundreds of people who gathered at the war memorial in Qyshk/Cuska to commemorate 138 Albanian civilians killed in 1999by Serbian forces in the village and in three neighbouring settlements, Lubeniq/Ljubenic, Pavlan/Pavljan, Zahaq/Zahac. Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti speaks at the commemoration of the 25th anniversary of the massacre…

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German Ambassador: Kosovo Must Set Up Serb Body to Join Council of Europe

German ambassador Jorn Rohde told BIRN in an interview on Thursday that Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti should not have been surprised that Germany and France asked Kosovo to send the draft statute of the long-delayed Serb municipality body to the Constitutional Court for approval as a prerequisite for membership of the Council of Europe.“I…

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Russian Hackers Accused of Cyberattacks on Kosovo Government Websites

Kosovo officials claimed that the governmental websites had come under attack from Russian hackers because of the country’s support for Ukraine’s self-defence. A Kosovo government spokesperson told BIRN that Russian hackers targeted official websites on Tuesday and Wednesday. “We were informed by the relevant institutions that some government websites have been the target of DDoS…

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Kosovo PM Rejects West’s Terms for CoE Membership

Prime Minister Albin Kurti rejects Western demand to push ahead with Association of Serb-Majority Municipalities as a condition for Council of Europe membership this month. Kosovo’s Prime Minister, Albin Kurti, said on Wednesday that his government will not send the Statute of the Association of Serb-Majority Municipalities, ASMM, for review to the Constitutional Court, a…

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Kosovo Optimistic About Becoming Newest Member of Council of Europe, Deputy Foreign Affairs Minister

The Kosovo deputy minister of Foreign Affairs, Kreshnik Ahmeti, told Kallxo Përnime TV programme that the implementation of the Constitutional Court ruling which awarded land to the Decani Monastery will lead to Kosovo becoming the newest member of the Council of Europe very soon. “We will become the 47th member of the Council of Europe,”…

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Talks with EU leaders in Brussels Yield No Progress in Kosovo-Serbia Dialogue, on Paper at Least

Another high-level meeting in Brussels, the first of this size, did not yield clear results, at least not for the public. Preconditions set by both Kosovo and Serbia were the primary cause of this impasse, according to EU. Without clear progress, Kosovo and Serbia concluded their separate meetings with EU leaders on Thursday in Brussels. …

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EU Sanction Dilemma: Kosovo Awaits Action, Serbia Escapes Scrutiny

Three weeks after the terrorist attack in Banjska, North Kosovo, the European Union has refrained from imposing sanctions on Serbia, even as the sanctions against Kosovo, imposed prior to the attack, remain in place. The European Commission has abstained from imposing sanctions on Belgrade in the aftermath of the events that unfolded on September 24….

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Kosovo Bans Serbia Sport TV Channels Over Messages ‘Glorifying’ Banjska Attack

Regulator tells cable networks to stop carrying Serbia-based sport channels after they showed viewers’ messages praising the Serb gunmen who attacked Kosovo Police on September 24 as ‘heroes’. Kosovo’s Independent Media Commission, IMC, on Tuesday urged a halt to broadcasts of Serbian sport TV channels, days after they carried messages supporting the armed Serbs killed…

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Kosovo Government and EU Agree on De-escalation Steps in the North

The Kosovo Government and the European Union have agreed on the de-escalation steps in the northern municipalities, after the recent months’ unrest . The Kosovo government confirmed on Tuesday that it has agreed to de-escalation steps in the northern municipalities, starting with a 25 per cent reduction in police presence in and around municipal buildings…

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