Challenging yet Rewarding: Kosovo Albanian and Serb Court Monitors Cooperate on War Crimes Trials

As part of the project “Facilitating Inter-Ethnic Cooperation through Monitoring and Reporting on War Crime Cases,” two court monitors—one from the Albanian community and one from the Serbian community—joined forces to monitor and co-produce articles on war crime cases in Kosovo, aimed at strengthening transparency, fostering reconciliation, and contributing to transitional justice.

For six months, Slobodan Stosic, a court monitor from North Mitrovica, frequently travelled to Prishtina to join his Albanian colleague in monitoring war crime trials. Together, they attended 15 court sessions addressing cases that remain deeply sensitive for both the Albanian and Serbian communities in Kosovo more than a quarter-century after the war ended. 

Reflecting on the experience, Stosic emphasised the importance of professionalism in their work.

“My experience in regard to professional cooperation was on a high level with Kallxo employees. The monitored cases included Kosovo Serbs, Kosovo Albanians and Kosovo Gorani community members, and all of these factors need to be addressed to ensure the proper monitoring process and unbiased reporting,” he said.

The opportunity for Stosic was made possible thanks to a partnership between Prishtina-based Internews Kosova, I/KS, and the North Mitrovica-based NGO ACDC which exemplified the project’s mission to promote professional collaboration and build bridges between ethnic groups. 

Key objectives of the project included raising public awareness by publishing unbiased articles about war crime cases, fostering dialogue through initiating discussions to deepen understanding of war crimes, and enhancing judicial transparency.

A unique perspective

Adile Agushi, Stosic’s Albanian colleague who covers war crime reporting for, says the experience of cooperating with a Serb monitor was both challenging and rewarding.

“During my reporting, I relied solely on evidence presented in court, avoiding emotional biases despite the sensitive nature of war crimes cases. As we know, our history with the Serbian community is painful. However, I ensured my reporting was based on facts from prosecutors and witnesses,” she explained.

Agushi also highlighted the importance of working alongside Serbian colleagues.

“I found the same level of understanding with my Serbian colleagues, and together, we reported precisely what was said in court, avoiding any partiality. Joint reporting by members of both communities leaves no room for doubts about bias.”

She believes this approach to monitoring should be expanded.

“It’s crucial for war crime cases to be reported by monitors from both ethnicities. This dual perspective reveals what truly happened during Kosovo’s recent history and strengthens the credibility of reporting,” Agushi added.

Stosic believes that this practice should continue in the future, since it shows the inter-ethnic cooperation on these sensitive issues. 

“I believe that this should be continued for a longer period so we can have flexibility and address the court issues with the translation and interpretation. The majority of cases were against Kosovo Serbs but not limited to one ethnicity and therefore we have to be inclusive in both monitoring and reporting to ensure equal participation presentation,” he added.

To overcome logistical challenges, I/KS provided office space for ACDC’s monitor during monitoring days. Stosic praised this arrangement, noting the “seamless communication with staff and the flexibility of working in various locations based on case requirements.”

A new dimension to monitoring

Dusan Radakovic, ACDC’s director, described this innovative approach as transformative.

“NGO ACDC has a long history of trial monitoring, but this is the first time it has been conducted in a format where the process is jointly observed from two perspectives,” he stated.

Radakovic added that observing trials from two perspectives is a highly effective practice, particularly in the context of war crimes trials in Kosovo. 

“These trials are often perceived very differently by members of different communities, influenced by historical experiences and narratives. Addressing these different perceptions through a dual-perspective improves the transparency of judicial processes,” he emphasised.

“Continuing such activities would have a positive impact, as it highlights these differing perceptions.”

Faik Ispahiu, Director of Internews Kosova, declared that the programs serve as a model that should be continuously followed for reporting on specific issues, especially war crimes.

“This program is a continuation of initiatives the organisation has implemented to create joint multiethnic groups responsible for monitoring, investigative journalism, and fact-checking programs.”

Spahiu emphasised that in addition to building bridges between communities, the program has significantly contributed to combating disinformation and fake news about war crimes.

“Unfortunately, through the Fact-Check program, we have identified over 100 fake news stories related to war crimes. I believe it is essential for initiatives like this, focused on the professional production of content about war crimes, to continue,” he said referring to’s fact-checking platform Kypometer.

Cases monitored included high-profile trials, such as Muhamet Alidemaj (accused of participating in the Izbica massacre), Ekrem Bajrovic (charged with war crimes during 1998-1999), and Gavrilo Milosavljevic (implicated in the Dubrava Prison massacre).

More than two decades after the war, Kosovo continues to grapple with unresolved issues, including missing persons, murders, and other atrocities committed against civilians. This project emphasised the role of judicial transparency and balanced reporting in addressing these crimes and paving the way for reconciliation.

Internews Kosova, actively monitoring Kosovo’s judiciary since 2008, has observed over 13,000 court hearings, including 300 in 2023 alone. Meanwhile, ACDC, with its focus on social activism and transparent governance, brought extensive experience in monitoring election processes and fostering civic engagement.

Source @Prishtina Insight: Read more : Kosovo Kosovo News