‘Smashing the Patriarchy’: Anibar Film Festival Provides Possibilities for Equality

In its fifteenth edition, the Anibar International Animation Festival, in Peja, urges citizens to raise their voices against patriarchal oppression. Park Karagaç in Peja bears a quiet power. Its unassuming nature, containing only a basketball court, playground, and lake theatre, belies the significance of the venue. The laidback outdoor setting creates familiarity and comfort amongst…

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Appeals Court Upholds Ruling in Favour of ‘Jeta në Kosovë’ Investigation on Solar Energy Monopoly

The Kosovo Court of Appeals upheld the first-instance decision to annul the Independent Media Commission’s ‘warning’ to the show “Jeta në Kosovë” after airing the investigative report “Unclean Energy: The Kosovar Who Would Own the Sun”, considering it as unlawful and unfair. The Kosovo Court of Appeals, on Wednesday, announced that it rejected the Independent…

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Kosovo Optimistic About Becoming Newest Member of Council of Europe, Deputy Foreign Affairs Minister

The Kosovo deputy minister of Foreign Affairs, Kreshnik Ahmeti, told Kallxo Përnime TV programme that the implementation of the Constitutional Court ruling which awarded land to the Decani Monastery will lead to Kosovo becoming the newest member of the Council of Europe very soon. “We will become the 47th member of the Council of Europe,”…

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Kosovo- Serbia Dialogue Deadlock is Suffocating Civic Initiatives

In an interview with Prishtina Insight, Marko Milosavljevic from the Youth Initiative for Human Rights (YIHR) in Serbia delves into how political actors make Kosovo’s and Serbia’s civil society cooperation attempts harder. Since political talks between Kosovo and Serbia  stalled, civil society in both countries are facing significant obstacles to maintain the cooperation between citizens…

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Kosovo and Israel Sign Visa-Free Waiver

Israel became the 50th country to grant visa-free travel for Kosovo citizens after an agreement was signed in Prishtina on Tuesday, marking a significant diplomatic development between the two countries. Kosovo Minister of Foreign Affairs Donika Gërvalla-Schwarz, and Israel’s Minister of Internal Affairs, Moshe Arbel, signed an agreement in Prishtina on Tuesday to allow Kosovo…

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Kosovo PM Rejects West’s Terms for CoE Membership

Prime Minister Albin Kurti rejects Western demand to push ahead with Association of Serb-Majority Municipalities as a condition for Council of Europe membership this month. Kosovo’s Prime Minister, Albin Kurti, said on Wednesday that his government will not send the Statute of the Association of Serb-Majority Municipalities, ASMM, for review to the Constitutional Court, a…

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A Walk through Resistance: A Visitor’s Take from Kosovo’s Reporting House

An old socialist-era premise in Prishtina is offering visitors a unique perspective of Kosovo’s turbulent past with art pieces, photographs, videos, and artefacts displayed as part of BIRN’s Reporting House. Before entering the Reporting House exhibition hall, an eye-catching jeep awaits visitors. It is the vehicle that renowned war reporter Vaughan Smith used on mountainous…

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Kosovo Remembers Village Massacres as PM Urges More War Crime Probes

Kurti and members of his cabinet joined hundreds of people who gathered at the war memorial in Qyshk/Cuska to commemorate 138 Albanian civilians killed in 1999by Serbian forces in the village and in three neighbouring settlements, Lubeniq/Ljubenic, Pavlan/Pavljan, Zahaq/Zahac. Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti speaks at the commemoration of the 25th anniversary of the massacre…

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Photographer Ron Haviv Reflects on Documenting the Breakup of Yugoslavia

American photographer Ron Haviv shared his experiences documenting the breakup of Yugoslavia, from Slovenia’s independence to Kosovo’s liberation, capturing the devastating human impact of the conflicts and the people affected. The wars in former Yugoslavia “were about eliminating the idea of the identity of ‘the other’ whether they were Slovenian, Croat, Bosniak, Kosovar and so…

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