Kosovo Navigates Formidable Challenges in Ambitious Bid for Digital Transformation by 2030

Embarking on a mission to digitize public services by 2030 is imperative for Kosovo to align with global standards, yet serious challenges lie ahead. Kosovo aspires to shift the majority of its public services online by 2030, leveraging advanced digital infrastructure. The newly approved strategy for the digital agenda, endorsed by the country’s government, seeks…

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Why are we overlooking the development of a resilient critical energy infrastructure in Kosovo?

Critical infrastructure resilience is vital for nations. Given the essential role of energy in all aspects of society, the energy system’s resilience is essential. But where does the Government of Kosovo stand in developing a resilient critical energy infrastructure in light of global threats and risks that are not easily forecasted? Our society is a…

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Unveiling the Parallel: Serbia’s Failed Attempt to Imitate Russia’s Strategy with Neighbours

Serbian authorities attempted to legitimize the terrorist attack in the north of Kosovo by presenting it as an effort to protect Serb minorities from the ethnic cleansing in Kosovo. This narrative draws parallels to the Russian Federation’s legitimation attempts for its aggression against neighboring countries, as in the case of Ukraine. In the north of…

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EU Sanction Dilemma: Kosovo Awaits Action, Serbia Escapes Scrutiny

Three weeks after the terrorist attack in Banjska, North Kosovo, the European Union has refrained from imposing sanctions on Serbia, even as the sanctions against Kosovo, imposed prior to the attack, remain in place. The European Commission has abstained from imposing sanctions on Belgrade in the aftermath of the events that unfolded on September 24….

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Kosovo Bans Serbia Sport TV Channels Over Messages ‘Glorifying’ Banjska Attack

Regulator tells cable networks to stop carrying Serbia-based sport channels after they showed viewers’ messages praising the Serb gunmen who attacked Kosovo Police on September 24 as ‘heroes’. Kosovo’s Independent Media Commission, IMC, on Tuesday urged a halt to broadcasts of Serbian sport TV channels, days after they carried messages supporting the armed Serbs killed…

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